Pledge or Donate
Your financial support allows our ministry to move forward and allows our interfaith community to be available to and support all people in the process of awakening to their spiritual nature and deep inter-connectedness with all of life.
Donations and pledging are both ways to make certain AWAKENING can continue to prosper and grow and that the vision of a world Awakening to the One Truth known by many Names moves forward one individual at a time.
Money, regardless of the amount, is a vehicle of energy and intent that supports what we most value in life. If donating or pledging calls out to you and you would like to help financially, there are several ways you can do so.
To make an on-going PLEDGE now, please follow the instructions below.
Your pledge of support is a tangible commitment to the vision of a world awakening to the One Truth known by many names.
Pledge Form:
Click to download and print your form.
STEP 2–Payment:
Click for payment instructions
Thank you in advance for your support!
To make a one time donation, press donate button below
or mail a check made out to “Awakening” or send us your credit card information and amount wishing to donate to:
1310 Van Beurden Drive, Suite 102
Los Osos, CA